Every activity has advantages and disadvantages, and the pigeon sport is no exception to that (flight pigeons and carrier pigeons). The disadvantages in the pigeon sport today are being caused by the unnatural and artificially high kept raptor population. Almost all pigeon sportsmen in Europe suffer from it. There are only very few pigeon breeders that can pursue this beautiful hobby without losses through these enemies up in the air.
For my case itīs the peregrine falcon that causes a lot of damage to my Tipplers. Ironically he only injures most of the pigeons, but the injuries are so grave that not even the veterinarian can help. Then thereīs only the euthanasia of the pigeons left. Many pigeons also injure themselves while fleeing from the peregrine falcon by colliding with various objects.
What I cannot understand is the fact that there are nesting boxes hung from high buildings or high chimneys in many cities and industrial zones, so that they can settle down there. These boxes, as a matter of fact, in no way correspond to the environment of the natural aerie, because the travelling falcon builds itīs nesting place on steep rock faces. Biologists have established that young falcons that grow up in nesting boxes have a lesser chance of surviving than those who grew up in natural aeries. When a young bird flies from the natural nest he has the possibility of landing next to, above or below the aerie in the rock wall. It doesnīt have this with the nesting box, because most of them are (as mentioned above) attached to silos, high chimneys or cooling towers, etc. Thatīs why many young falcons crash and if not found they have to starve.
The organizations that put up nesting boxes explain to the citizens they would do this because the peregrine falcon would decimate the street pigeons, which of course is an unsustainable argument. There are peregrine falcons breeding for several years in a city in Switzerland. The experience has shown that annually during the time of the upbringing of the young falcons 45-80 dead pigeons with foot bracelets (carrier pigeon and flying pigeon bracelets) have been found below the nests, but only rarely dead pigeons without foot bracelets (street pigeons). This shows clearly that the public is being shown an X as an U to manipulate opinions.
Following is a photo gallery of pigeons that have been injured or killed by raptors.
(click on the pictures for enlarged view)